CO2 Monitors

ANPL is excited to be taking part in the CO2 Monitor program!

Our Norwood Branch has partnered with Peterborough Public Health to provide a CO2 Monitor for cardholders to borrow. Monitoring the CO2 (Carbon dioxide) levels in your indoor spaces can help to determine how well a space is ventilated with fresh outdoor air.


How the Program Works

  • The CO2 monitor has a one-week lending period.
  • The monitor comes with batteries, a quick start guide, and a laminated fact sheet from Peterborough Public Health that explains how the monitor works, what the readings mean, and how to improve the area’s ventilation if CO2 levels are high.
  • An overdue CO2 monitor will have a late fine of $5 per day. The replacement cost is $350.00.
  • Patrons are welcome to place a hold on the monitor via our online catalogue (search CO2 Monitor).
  • Visit the Peterborough Public Health website for more information, including how to use the monitor, reading resources, and further information from other sources.


Please note that these devices are NOT carbon monoxide detectors and are NOT life safety devices.
For more information on Carbon monoxide detectors, please visit the Asphodel-Norwood Township’s Fire and Fire Prevention page.


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