
How it works
Simply click here to be redirected to OverDrive where you will be asked to enter in your library card number. Once you account has been created you can begin borrowing audio books or e-books.
Searching for Titles:
The Menu allows you to browse for books in your desired format, age level (Adult, Kids, and Teens), and by subject. Alternatively you can search for a specific title using the search bar.
How to Checkout e-books:
When you see a book you wish to borrow simply click on it and select “Borrow” (if you wish to read a portion of the book first, click on “Sample”). You may borrow a total of 10 titles for up to two weeks with the option to renew, although some titles may have a shorter borrowing time. Select the way you wish to read your title (by downloading or reading through your web browser). Then enjoy your e-books!
When you use the Libby app to borrow books, the book is downloaded to your device and ready to read.
How to Checkout Audio Books:
The process for borrowing an Audio book is similar to borrowing an e-book. Hover over the audio book you wish to borrow, select “Borrow”. To complete your transaction, select the method you wish to listen to the audio book, either as an MP3 file or listening to it in your web browser. Then enjoy your audio books!
When using the Libby app, your audio book is downloaded and ready for your listening pleasure.
Returning and Renewing:
Items you borrow automatically get returned on their due date. If you wish to return a loan early, you can go to your loans page and select return (located below the title). Using the Libby app, go to your loans shelf and select Manage Loan. From the menu, select Return Early. If you are still having difficulty you can contact one of our Librarians for assistance.
Placing a Hold on a Title
There are a limited number of copies of each title available so it may be necessary to put a title on hold. To place a hold, simply select the title you want and click the “Hold” option. You will receive an e-mail notification when the title is available. Once the e-mail is sent your hold will last for three days before it moves on to the next person. If you are not ready to borrow the book you have placed on hold, you may suspend it (instructions can be found here on the OverDrive website). If you wish to remove a hold, click onto “Account”, choose the “Holds” link, then select “Options”, and select “Remove Hold”.
This app enables easy use of OverDrive materials from almost any device. Click Libby’s page to learn about this versatile app.
Other Information
Each Branch of the ANPL has e-readers available for borrowing that come preloaded with books. We can provide you with a tutorial for usage if desired.
To use OverDrive, all you need is a valid library card. If you are signing up for a card with the intent of only accessing OverDrive and not library materials. please remember that your library card does expire every 2 years and will affect your ability to access OverDrive. It is your responsibility to make sure your account is kept up to date.
If you have any questions or run into problems, you can use the OverDrive Help Page or contact one of our Librarians for assistance.
Where do you go to grow? Try your public library. A visit will get you thinking!