Library of Things

Libraries expand their collections on a regular basis. Our newest collection is a collection of things. Just like borrowing a book or movie, you will need your library card number. If you have any questions about these items, visit the library, call, or e-mail us for more information.

Provincial Park Passes

We have partnered with Ontario Parks to bring you complimentary day passes for Ontario Provincial Parks. These passes can be used at any Provincial Park in Ontario. Click here for more details.

Trail and Hiking Needs

Along with your Park Pass, why not check out one of our back packs or hiking sticks? We have a variety of recreational items that you can borrow from puzzles and board games to balls and outdoor games. Visit either branch to see what’s available for lending.

We welcome donations of complete puzzles, games, and activities in good condition to add to our collection.

CO2 Monitors

 We have partnered with Peterborough Public Health to bring you Carbon Dioxide monitors provided by Prescientx and CO2 Check.
Click here for more details on how to check the air quality in your home.



Where do you go to grow? Try your public library. A visit will get you thinking!