Asphodel-Norwood Public Library is officially Homeschool Friendly!
Do you homeschool? Asphodel-Norwood Public Library can help! Along with books we have on varied subjects at several grade levels, we can use Inter-Library Loan to get you items on subject matter we don’t currently carry. We can extend due dates for projects (just let us know when you borrow the item how long you need it for).
Library Resources
- Asphodel-Norwood Public Library Catalogue: check our catalogue for items on subjects you are covering. If you need a specific title and it is not in our collection, ask us about Inter-Library Loan.
- Visit the Norwood Branch of our library during our special Homeschool hour at 12:30 pm every first and third Tuesday. View or download our current calendar from our Home page to see the exact dates for this month.
- Connect with other homeschoolers – Asphodel-Norwood Public Library is a great place to meet and connect with group seating areas, free wifi, public access computers, books, and much more.
Online Resources
- Ontario Ministry of Education
- The Ontario Federation of Teaching Parents is a provincial homeschool group providing support to homeschooling families and information on home-based education to our members and the public at large.
- Discovery Education has free resources to compliment and extend learning.
- Home School Legal Defense Association is the place to go if you have legal questions regarding homeschooling.
Books about Homeschooling
Are you interested in finding out more about homeschooling options? We have some resources to help you. These books are in our catalogue and available for circulation.
- The Everything Homeschooling Book – all you need to create the best curriculum and learning environment for your child, 2nd edition
- Free Range Learning – how homeschooling changes everything
- Homeschooling for the rest of us – how your one-of-a-kind family can make homeschooling and real life work
- Homeschooling your kids (without losing your sanity) – how to balance your home, your family, and your child’s education
- Homeschooling FAQs – 101 questions every homeschooling parent should ask
- Project-based homeschooling – mentoring self-directed learners
If you have any suggestions how Asphodel-Norwood Public Library can better serve our homeschooling community, please contact us.
Where do you go to grow? Try your public library. A visit will get you thinking!