Inter-library Loan
If we do not own a particular book you may borrow it from another library. Ask staff for help to submit your request.
Please Note
Check the ANPL Catalogue first since we may already have the book you need. Then ask our staff for assistance and we may be able to find something else that will answer your need.
- Not all items may be available. Many libraries do not lend out audio-visual materials such as videos and CDs.
- Current year materials are NOT available, as are many of last years materials. DO NOT request items that have just been released.
- Waiting time varies from 1 to 4 weeks depending on the availability of the material at the lending library.
- Inter-library loan is a free service. Some special libraries and many universities charge a lending fee. We will not borrow a book for you from these libraries without your authorization.
- We limit this valuable service to 5 requests at a time.
- If you make a request and do not pick up your item within 7 library days of being contacted, you will be charged a $5.00 service fee.
- Need help in locating materials in other libraries? Visit INFO (Ontario Public Library holdings).
Tips for Searching INFO
Here’s how to begin your search using INFO (Ontario Public Library holdings):
- Select target to search. We recommend the INFO Union Catalog – this will search the majority of public libraries in Ontario
- Click on ‘Search’.
- There are two types of searches you may perform:
- 1) Simple search = title keyword
- 2) Advanced search = author/title/subject
- Please ask our staff if you have any questions
Making your own Inter-Library Loan requests
If your account with Asphodel-Norwood Public Library is in good standing, you can sign up to do your own Inter-Library Loan requests from home. Contact the Norwood Branch at (705) 639-2228 for more information.
Please click here to view the instructions for using VDX.
If this is not your first time, you can go directly to the VDX Portal.
Where do you go to grow? Try your public library. A visit will get you thinking!